Indelible Grace Church

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Tracy's Return from Maternity Leave

Hi everyone! As of January 9, I am officially back from my maternity leave. Nate and I are so grateful for the extended time I had to get ready for Corey's arrival and transition into motherhood. We can't believe Corey is already 4.5 months old!

Though adjusting to being a mom has been tiring and I am sad for my leave to end, I am also excited to be back in my role. I've missed serving God and IGC as the administrator. At the same time, I am also aware that our church is still in a place of transition, healing, and recovery. I am aware that much of our leadership (pastors, elders, ministry leaders) and many of our volunteers are tired. I have been praying and asking God to give me wisdom on how to best serve the church in this season.

Thank you to my fantastic admin team who filled in for me - Anna Yang (overseeing Sundays), Andrew Nguyen (scheduling volunteers), Dorothy Lee (printing the bulletins + other miscellaneous items/improvements), John Freeman (music slides), and Robin Freeman (communications). Thank you to Jun Yang, who did the audio uploads. Thank you to Pastor Wade, who oversaw the admin team and filled in where he saw needs. Finally, thank you to the music leaders (David Yi, Marshall Ha, Jesslyn Kwong, Dan Kim, and Pastor Wade) who led more frequently so that Nate could have a break as well.

I'm looking forward to working with Pastor Wade, Pastor Tom, and the elders. And I'm looking forward to serving alongside all of you again! Thank you in advance for your patience as I get back in the swing of things!

Tracy Ong