Indelible Grace Church

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Returning Indoors

March 15 marked the two-year-anniversary of the pandemic for our church, and the beginning of our strange odyssey from Marshall Elementary to the clubhouse at Palomares Hills, the chapel at 3Crosses, and finally settling down at San Felipe Park. It's been a long, long journey. In all our wanderings, one constant remains: resilient joy. Resilience because God has sustained us and given us strength not to give up, and joy, not in wavering circumstances, but in Christ as our rock and fortress.

Now finally, starting April 3, we plan to move back indoors! Our new home will be at Creekside Middle School in Castro Valley. Creekside offers a significantly better facility than Marshall Elementary School – bigger space, more classrooms, as well as a shaded outdoor seating area. It is the answer to many, many prayers.

Our return indoors will be, in many ways, like a relaunch of our church. There are many aspects of worship service that will have to be worked out over the weeks. What will the audio/visual setup look like? Where will the children and nursery classrooms be located? We will troubleshoot these and other challenges as they arise. The plans are still in the early stages, and it will take a while before we "return to normal," but this will be an exciting time of reestablishing our worship service.

Praise God that He is ever faithful to his church. We realize this all the more deeply having gone through the trials and tribulations of the past two years. It is not by human strength or wisdom that the church is sustained, for all these will fail, but only by the Spirit of God. May we listen and follow where the Spirit leads.

First image: Creekside signage
Second image: staff visiting the MPR at Creekside