Indelible Grace Church

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Vision for Post-Pandemic Church

At our February 21 congregational meeting, we discussed the future of our church, particularly as we emerge out of the pandemic. Obviously, no one knows the exact shape of what will happen, but we can begin to make preliminary plans. Two points are significant:

(1) Philosophy on church gatherings
Through the duration of the pandemic, we will meet together in whatever setting brings the most people together. For now, that means holding worship service outdoors, at a public park. And so, we plan to continue meeting at San Felipe Park in Hayward through 2021. As people are vaccinated and infection rates recede, and as people feel safe, we will make plans to return to indoor worship.

(2) Eventually, we will turn off the livestream
This will be an open and ongoing conversation, but we believe that participating in the worship service through the livestream is an emergency accommodation, for the pandemic only, and unsuitable for regular church life. We are committed to maintaining the livestream through the pandemic. But eventually, we will be able to say the health threat is over. And while it may be convenient and efficient, the livestream is not conducive to deep engagement and deep belonging in congregational life. Many people have expressed feeling disconnected through this experience of "digital church." This will be a conversation we will have together as a church, as we look to a post-pandemic future.